All About . . .

Celeste Sherry

I am a Living Historian with 40+ years of experience in re-enacting and demonstrations of 18th Century life (ca. 1760-1785). My husband and I began re-enacting the American Revolutionary War era back in 1980, first as members of the 2nd Battn. DeLancey's Brigade and then with the 4th Battn. New Jersey Volunteers, both Loyalist units. This very unique hobby has brought us to many points in the United States, Canada, and even France, portraying the life of soldiers and civilians during the Revolution.

As a Spinner, I focus on the domestic art of fiber spinning in the 18th century and throughout history. The development of wool and flax spinning is explained to the public (often with hands-on interactivity), accompanied by demonstration on spinning wheel & drop spindles.

Authenticity is the key element that I bring to my display: I dress as a middle-class woman of the late 1700s in accurately researched garments. I spin on antique and reproduction spinning wheels and drop spindles, again that have been meticulously researched as authentic to the period. I often speak to the public affecting a first-person persona, so as to "time-travel" the visitor back into history. Being a (semi-retired) teacher of English literature and writing at two local Rockland county colleges, I bring my educational skills into play during my talks and demonstrations. Visitors and historic site managers have enthusiastically remarked on how much was learned during my presentations.

I make my home in the Lower Hudson Valley hamlet of West Nyack, NY, where my husband and I often delight our neighbors as we pack our car in full 18th century regalia and head out to another time-travel adventure. And as you can see by the photo, I am married to Dr. Benjamin Franklin!


(Photo Courtesy Anne Enslow; at the DeWint House, Tappan, NY)

Jack & Celeste Sherry at the DeWint House, Tappan, NY.